Sergii Dymchenko

Dynamic programming solution for Facebook Hacker Cup problem "AAAAAA" in B-Prolog

There are lots of material on how to solve puzzles and puzzle-like problems in Prolog (see Hakan Kjellerstrand's B-Prolog page, for example). But often the problems shown are either initially intended to be solved by hand (have small search space), or specifically tailored for logic programming paradigm.

I want to show my Prolog solution to a Facebook Hacker Cup problem, AAAAAA from the round 1 of 2014. The problem has relatively large search space and was intended to be solved by skilled algorithmists using conventional programming languages.

Here is a summary of the problem:

For every test case the input is a N × M grid of characters (N and M are up to 500), where '.' denotes an open cell, and '#' denotes a closed cell ("blocked with a car"). The goal is to construct a longest path ("queue of people") using only open cells from the top-left corner, such that every non-starting cell in the path lies right or down from the previous cell. One exception is allowed – it's possible to go left or up in one contiguous segment of the whole path. Every open cell can be used at most once in the path.

The output of a test case in the length of a longest path. There can be up to 20 test cases in a single test file.

Example input and output:

5 5
1 10
5 5
3 3
3 8
Case #1: 17
Case #2: 10
Case #3: 17
Case #4: 5
Case #5: 10

In the first example case there are no closed cells, and a longest path is:


For the last test case the path is:


My solution uses a B-Prolog-specific "mode-directed tabling", which is a form of memoization. This is not a standard Prolog feature, so it will not work with other Prolog implementations (similar features exist in XSB and YAP).

The solution uses top-down dynamic programming. You don't have to know much about dynamic programming to understand the solution: the program just describes all possible ways to extend the queue and asks B-Prolog to find max value of the queue length.

This is the actual code I wrote and submitted during the competition:

:- table queue(+, +, +, +, +, +, max).

queue(_R, _C, _, _, X, Y, 1)  :-
    \+ car(X, Y).

% move down
queue(R, C, Used, Prev, X, Y, S) :-
    X < R,
    Prev \= up,
    Xp1 is X + 1,
    \+ car(Xp1, Y),
    queue(R, C, Used, down, Xp1, Y, Snext),
    S is 1 + Snext.

% move right
queue(R, C, Used, Prev, X, Y, S) :-
    Y < C,
    Prev \= left,
    Yp1 is Y + 1,
    \+ car(X, Yp1),
    queue(R, C, Used, right, X, Yp1, Snext),
    S is 1 + Snext.

% move up
queue(R, C, Used, Prev, X, Y, S) :-
    X > 1,
    (Used =:= 0 ; Prev == up),
    Prev \= down,
    Xm1 is X - 1,
    \+ car(Xm1, Y),
    queue(R, C, 1, up, Xm1, Y, Snext),
    S is 1 + Snext.

% move left
queue(R, C, Used, Prev, X, Y, S) :-
    Y > 1,
    (Used =:= 0 ; Prev == left),
    Prev \= right,
    Ym1 is Y - 1,
    \+ car(X, Ym1),
    queue(R, C, 1, left, X, Ym1, Snext),
    S is 1 + Snext.

do_case(Case_num, R, C) :-
    queue(R, C, 0, right, 1, 1, S),
    format("Case #~w: ~w\n", [Case_num, S]).

main :-
    foreach(Case_num in 1..T, [R, C, N], (
            initialize_table, abolish,
            read([R, C]),
            assert(car(-1, -1)), % dummy
            foreach(_I in 1..N, [X, Y], (read([X, Y]), assert(car(X, Y)))),
            do_case(Case_num, R, C)

The first line is a tabling mode declaration for my queue predicate: the first 6 parameters are input parameters, and the last parameter is an output, which needs to be maximized if several different outputs are possible for some input.

queue parameters are:

The first clause of the queue predicate says that if there is no a car in a cell (X, Y), then it's possible to have a queue of length 1 starting in this cell (at least).

Next 4 clauses are for the 4 possible ways to extend a queue: go down, right, up, or left.

To go down, the following conditions must be met according to the clause:

The clause to go right is very similar.

The clauses to go up and left have extra condition that a left or up move was not used yet, or we continue the sequence of left or up moves:

(Used =:= 0 ; Prev == up)

do_case uses queue to find the length of a longest queue from the top-left corner. Thanks to tabling, subproblem answers are only computed once.

main reads number of test cases, and for each test case reads R, C, and positions of cars in a Prolog-friendly format; for each car a fact is asserted in the Prolog database to be used by queue clauses.

I could have worked with the problem input directly in B-Prolog, but I decided that it's much easier to preprocess the input with a Python script (basically, output a two-element list of coordinates for each car in the input; also end each line with a period):

T = int(raw_input())
print "%d." % T
for case_num in range(1, T + 1):
    R, C = map(int, raw_input().split())
    print "[%d, %d]." % (R, C)
    cars = []
    for i in range(R):
        row = raw_input().strip()
        for j in range(C):
            if row[j] == '#':
                cars.append([i + 1, j + 1])
    print "%d." % len(cars)
    for car in cars:
        print "[%d, %d]." % (car[0], car[1])

Here is the command to run the whole thing (tail excludes B-Prolog version info from the output):

cat in-file | python | bp -g "cl(''),main,halt" -l | tail -n +7 > out-file

You can download other participants' solutions for the problem (mostly in Java or C++) from the scoreboard and compare them with my B-Prolog solution. Most of them, if not all, use some form of dynamic programming.

BTW, Facebook Hacker Cup 2015 starts in a month.


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